Feb 8, 2025: Now's the Time

Hey Friends,
Now is a time when the rubber hits the road with our name. Do we have the strength and/or faith to offer hope to ourselves and those around us? It is time. We practice this every year in Advent - waiting in active hope not knowing what the next months or years (or days) will hold. And at the same time, needing to look at each other and say, "You are important." "You are loved." This is an especially important message to communicate with our most vulnerable friends and communities.
I don't always think it's necessary to be together in worship (after all, there are so many amazing sanctuaries in nature and art), but I wonder if gathering in community is a helpful act right now? If it feels that way to you, or you know someone else it might help, let's gather and figure it out and/or lament together.
In It With You, Jennie
P.S. Worship online and in-person tomorrow morning at 9:30 and 11

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