June 22, 2024 Financial Update and More

Dear Hope Friends,
First a quick financial update:
You might recall our monthly recurring gifts took a hit post-COVID, and didn't cover our monthly bills when we came back. We cut costs while also finding a new church home and preparing for growth. Thankfully, we found a home! We still aren't covering our monthly bills, but the gifts from our "Open the Doors" Campaign have bridged some of those gaps.
In April, I issued a challenge for both new and existing members to increase their giving. Many of you did and we started to close the gap! However, we are still approximately $3,000 short each month. We do not have a major benefactor or an endowment to rely on, and our remaining funds to "Open the Doors" will soon run out.
So, we ask you to consider beginning or increasing regular contributions. We are so excited to overcome this long-COVID hurdle!
Thank you so much for your continued support and dedication!
Jennie & Hope's Leadership Council

...where does it hurt?
Tomorrow we continue our series on asking meaningful questions with a more personal question: "where does it hurt?". This is a question that requires vulnerability, deep listening, and trust.
We'll talk about times it feels like no one believes you, how to tune into God's presence, and how to listen more deeply to those you love.

Just Like Me VBS!!
July 15 - July 18 6-8pm
This summer Hope is using a brand new kid's resource created by the Reconciling Ministries Network (LGBTQ+ advocacy and support for the church)!!
If you have friends or neighbors who are shy to send their kids to a VBS for fear of harmful theology -- invite them to ours!!
You can sign your kids up and/or volunteer via these forms.
2024 Hope Kids VBS Registration Form form »
2024 VBS Volunteer Interest Form form »

July 14 Hospitality Meeting After Church
Each week as we welcome first and second time guests, Hope's radical hospitality has never been more important!
One major transition is by the time someone comes in person, they have likely worshipped online for awhile. That means that on Sunday, our guests are not needing "friendly", they need relational connection. Let's talk about how to do that!
Whether you've been serving in hospitality for years, or want to join the team, please stay after worship on Sunday July 14th for this important conversation.

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Just Search Hope Church in your app store
 Jennie Edwards Bertrand
Hope UMC - Bloomington

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