Becoming a partner and a member of this congregation means more than attending regular Sunday services. It is a symbolic step of joining into a symbiotic relationship with the church. We are a church which strives to empower all to become beacons of God's Love in the surrounding community. This means that we strive, not to be inward focused, asking what the church may do for each other; but instead, outward, seeking to build relationships and sustainable good in the world around.
Officially, professing members make a commitment to faithfully participate in Hope Church's ministries by prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
Officially, professing members make a commitment to faithfully participate in Hope Church's ministries by prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
But what does that even mean??
These are a few clarifying questions that we as a church ask each and every Partner to consider.
- Will you discover a way to serve Hope through your abilities, while also serving our larger community through your gifts and passions?
- Will you share your faith with your church family and, when appropriate, invite others to experience Hope Church?
- Will you pray for the congregation and our community?
- Will you join others in learning to live Christ-Centered lives?
- Will you commit to being present in worship, both for your own growth and the sake of others in our faith community?
- Will you consistently give financially to this faith community?

Next Steps
If you can faithfully and truly answer yes to these questions, then we invite you to talk to Jennie about becoming a Partner! If you are curious or want more information about what it means to Partner with Hope, reach out to the pastor or some of our current partners. That said, you do not need to be an official partner to worship with us, receive communion, or become baptized. We celebrate the Grace of God through open doors, open hearts, open minds, and open arms. This is not an empty sentiment stated to get you through the door. All are welcomed and all are celebrated at Hope Church.