January 27, 2024 - Moving Toward a Grand Opening

Dear Hope Church Friends,
For the first time in three years, we are not in a pandemic or recovering from closure or reacting to a looming eviction. No, we are planning for a Grand Opening! Our Grand Opening will be Sunday, April 7th -- the Sunday after Easter.
This gives us two months to prepare - there is still painting to do and rooms to organize. You can join me in showing appreciation for the crew here this morning: the Harshes, the Eckerts, Tricia Hermon, and Marilyn Maffet! There are still TVs to hang, furniture to build, and equipment to pull from storage, so today is not the last call to volunteer.
However, beyond the DIY that is saving us considerable money, there are significant ways we can all prepare to be an "absolutely everyone" faith community that welcomes new people:
  • Can you serve as a mentor or teacher with children or teenagers during the 10am hour?
  • What about Sunday evenings or a weeknight?
  • Would you like host adults for conversation in a 6-8 week group? Or a monthly dinner group? Or a new gaming group in our Gathering Space?
  • Do you want to make sure everyone gets a friendly conversation on Sunday mornings?
  • Or maybe you'd like offer the 1:1 care and prayer for when Hope folx are in need?
I encourage you to start noticing the intersection of what improves our community and your part in that. Keep it in your prayers, think about it. In February, there will be a more direct ask for leadership and volunteers.
In It With You, Jennie
Can You Believe it Has Been 10 Years!?
You know the story:
  1. We started setup/tear down weekly worship in a snowstorm of February 2014.
  2. We moved 4 times before the ability to step into a leased permanent space in March 2018.
  3. Just as we were gaining momentum and growth, we closed in-person worship from March 2020 - September 2021.
  4. We experienced both extreme love and extreme hate when the community and country found out about our Isaac Simmons aka Ms. Penny Cost.
  5. When we re-opened, like churches around the country, we discovered about 50% of the congregation did not return, so we rebuilt.
  6. Then, we were evicted due to unmet fire codes in 2023, bought a building, and raised the funds to meet those codes in our space.
It's been quite a journey, and I strongly believe our best days are ahead of us!
On Sunday February 4th and 11th we'll celebrate our past and envision our future!!
The Last Week in Hope Kids without Carpeting
Our new Director of Hope Kids, Mary Harsh has made the best of a blank canvas and concrete floor for children's ministry on Sundays. Next week carpeting will be installed (thanks to generosity from 3 other churches special offerings!)
There will be Child Care at 9 & 11, with Hope Kids from 10 - 11am tomorrow.
Programming for Jr/Sr High is in the works! As the mom of a junior higher, I'm anxiously awaiting that! As a the pastor of this church, one step at a time while we move toward our Grand Opening.

Planning Lent 2024
Wandering Heart
This year for Lent (the 6 weeks leading to Easter Sunday), we are using a resource called Sanctified Art. It is a creative resource founded and run by women in their in the 30s! They intentionally pull artwork and scholarship from a diverse group of creators and academics.
The focus will the life of Peter and all of his ups and downs.

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