Come to the 11am Service 9/29

Hey Hope Friends and Family -
99% of the time our 9:30 and 11 worship experiences are exact replicas. However, tomorrow morning you want to be at the 11am because we are welcoming one of our brand new bishops, Bishop Bard!
I'll be very excited to see you at 9:30 if that fits your schedule, and we'll make room for everyone at the later service if you'd like a chance to meet one of our new Bishops. Bishop Bard has been committed to church revitalization and full inclusion throughout his leadership.
I'm really looking forward to this new chapter and seeing everyone tomorrow!
In It With You, Jennie
P.S. TODAY (Sat 9/28) at 2:30 there is a Bishops' Installation Service at Normal Calvary UMC for Bishop David Bard and Bishop Kennetha Bigham-Tsai.

Blessed are the Peacemakers
Just as we considered what kindness actually is and is not -- we are going to consider what Jesus might have meant about peacemaking in the Sermon on the Mount when he said, "Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."

Youth Conversation Sunday Evening: Good Boundaries with Tech
7:30 - 9pm
Our junior and senior high students will have a conversation about good boundaries, bullying, and how to be kind given the complication of technology. They'll have a chance to share their perspectives and I'll share some useful tools.
Sunday 7:30-9:00 Friends are Welcome!
(We'll play some Avocado Smash after the conversation! I really want to win!)
 Jennie Edwards Bertrand
Hope UMC - Bloomington
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